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中國版緋聞女孩將於10月開拍? 緋聞女孩經典臺詞來襲

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有網友爆料稱,愛奇藝將於10月正式翻拍美劇《緋聞女孩》啦!那些年追過的gossip girl 你最喜歡的是誰還記得嗎?翻拍的緋聞女孩今年可能看不到了,美版《緋聞女孩》經典臺詞也可以讓我們先過下癮。

中國版緋聞女孩將於10月開拍? 緋聞女孩經典臺詞來襲


1. Everything old can be new again. 


2. Sometimes you have to let things go,so there's room for better things to come into your life. 


3. Sometime fate throws two lovers together, only to rip them apart.


4. "If two people are meant to be together, eventually they'll find their way back." 


5. Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself. 

最好不要忽略過去而是從中得到些教訓,否則 歷史會不斷重複上演

6. One may be the loneliest number... But sometimes only the lonely can play.

 1或許是最孤獨的數字... 但是,有時候只有孤獨的人才玩得起。

7. The people you know best are the ones most capable of surprising you.


8. When it comes to family, we are all still children at heart. No matter how old we get, we always need a place to call home. 

面對家人的時候,在我們內心深處我們始終覺得自己還是孩子。 不管我們年齡多大了,我們還需要一個稱之爲家的地方。

9. One thing about being on top of the world-- it gives you a long, long way to fall. 


10. There's a weak link in every chain, and it’s just a matter of time before this one snaps


11. Sometimes the biggest surprises are the ones you spring on yourself. 


12. Just because you finally tell the truth doesn't mean there won't be consequences. 


13. The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else


中國版緋聞女孩將於10月開拍? 緋聞女孩經典臺詞來襲 第2張


14. Sometimes the hero finally makes the choice but the timing is always wrong. 

有時候英雄終於選對了人 卻選錯了時間

15. Just because you get out of the game . Doesn't mean someone isn't waiting on the bench to take your place. 


16. Forget a grand entrance. Everybody knows it's the exit they'll remember. 


17. It is that sometimes things get in you path, you can either smash right into them,or you can adjust and move around,but you have to do one or the other in order to move forward.I'm gonna be right by your side. 

那就是有東西攔路的時候 或直面它 把它打碎 或者調整方向 換條路走 爲了讓生活繼續 你一定得選擇一種方法 我就在你身邊呢

18. New year, the same old story. The darkest secrets are the ones that hit closest to home


19. The problem with fairy tales is that they set a girl up for disappointment. In real life, the prince goes off with the wrong princess. Or the spell wears off and two lovers realize they are better off as... Well , whatever they are. 



Gossip Girl是曼哈頓上東區最神祕的人物,她是我們瞭解上流貴族鉅細無遺的生活的唯一來源,且擁有一衆隨時隨地爲她提供八卦消息的公子哥千金女。

而今年最重要的新聞,莫過於Serena Van Der Woodsen(Blake Lively 飾)在車站下車。這意味着這位曾經的學校女王、一年前謎一樣消逝的風頭人物,重回大家的生活,激起千層浪。第一個浪花來自Blair(Leighton Meester 飾),她和S曾經是最好的朋友,然而一年前好友的不辭而別徹底傷了她的心,如今迴歸給她的女王地位帶來威脅。敵對,在一開始就成爲她們友誼的立場。Blair的男朋友Nate(Chace Crawford 飾)對S懷着非同一般的感情,這讓B更加敏感。Nate的好友Chuck素以花花公子著稱,是不折不扣的二世祖。與這些富家子弟形成鮮明對比的,是出身布魯克林的Dan(Penn Badgley 飾)和Jenny,Dan堅信用學識和努力可以戰勝出身得到自己應得的一切,而小Jenny則不可避免地,像她那個年齡段的女孩子一樣,受到虛榮的招手誘惑,渴望成爲Blair那樣的焦點女王。

中國版緋聞女孩將於10月開拍? 緋聞女孩經典臺詞來襲 第3張


S當年出走的原因是什麼,B和N的感情是否能瓜熟蒂落,D又會跟這些上流社會的人們發生什麼糾纏,J是否如她所願踏進上流殿堂,還有他們的家庭和父母,這一切,都由gossip girl爲你細細道來,絕無遺漏。